Messenger Coffee

Why we love serving Messenger Coffee

The Rise of Messenger Coffee – What You Need to Know

In the past few years, Messenger Coffee has quickly become a household name in specialty coffee. But what is it about this brand that has made it a favorite for so many?

At its core, Messenger Coffee stands out from other roasters due to its commitment to ethically-sourced beans and fair trade practices. Not only does this ensure quality products and safe working conditions for farmers around the world, but it also helps communities prosper economically through investments in sustainable development projects.

Messenger Coffee’s commitment to the highest standards of quality control has earned them the prestigious Q-Coffee certification from the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA). This means that every cup of coffee they produce will be evaluated with a sensory analysis course designed to balance flavor and consistency traits like sugar browning, acidity, body, and aftertaste, ensuring that each bag sold is an enjoyable one!

Another point of pride for Messenger Coffee is its incredible variety of offerings. Whether you’re looking for single-origin coffees from Central America or East Africa, decaf blends from Indonesia or Ethiopia, or espresso blends from South America—there’s something for everyone on the menu.

And if you prefer consuming your coffee from home rather than at a cafe? No problem! Messenger Coffee offers direct-to-consumer subscription services where customers can have freshly roasted beans delivered right to their doorsteps.

From small farming cooperatives to large metropolitan cafes—the rise of Messenger Coffee continues to spread its positive impact throughout the industry. Whether you’re an experienced connoisseur or just getting started with your specialty coffee journey, we believe that everyone should enjoy great-tasting coffee while helping support those who grow it!

messenger coffee artwork mailbox
messenger coffee silhouette series at the fillmore cafe

The Impact of Fair Trade on Messenger Coffee

The emergence of Fair Trade coffee has revolutionized the industry, offering farmers around the world a chance to participate in the lucrative global market. As more and more consumers become aware of Fair Trade and its benefits, companies like Messenger Coffee have made it easy for customers to enjoy ethically-sourced coffee.

At Messenger Coffee, we believe that all coffee should be responsibly grown and harvested with respect for people, communities, and the environment. That’s why we only purchase 100% Fair Trade Certified coffees. Our commitment to sourcing sustainably ensures that each bag of our Specialty Grade beans is sourced from farms that are certified by Fairtrade International (FLO).

When a company purchases a bag of beans from FLO-certified farms, they are guaranteeing their customers that the farmers have received fair wages for their work, as well as safe working conditions and supplemental educational opportunities. By implementing these standards across their supply chains, Fair Trade systems ensure that everyone involved in the process is treated fairly.

At Messenger Coffee, we take pride in offering our customers ethically sourced products while directly supporting smallholder & family farmer cooperatives around the world. We source 100% of our green beans through Direct & Strategic Sourcing Cooperatives (DSSC) networks—which means that every bag sold is helping fund reinvestment projects at origin, which help increase incomes & strengthen both communities & ecosystems in regions like Central America, Indonesia & East Africa!

We’re passionate about ensuring that everyone along our supply chain—from farm owners to employees—is treated with dignity and respect. After all, without their hard work and dedication, there would be no delicious cup of Messengers Coffee! So whether you choose to enjoy your cup at home or over Zoom calls with your friends, you can rest assured knowing that your cup was crafted using only ethically-sourced ingredients!

What Makes Messenger Coffee Unique?

What makes Messenger Coffee stand out from the rest? It’s simple: an uncompromising commitment to ethically sourced, specialty-grade beans from farms around the world.

At Messenger Coffee, we take great pride in sourcing 100% of our green beans through Direct & Strategic Sourcing Cooperatives (DSSC) networks—which means that every cup enjoys a direct connection to its source communities. This helps us ensure that everyone involved in our production process is treated fairly and compensated fairly for their hard work.

Additionally, Messenger Coffee takes great care to ensure that all of its coffee beans are sustainably harvested with respect for people, communities, and the environment. We only purchase Fair Trade Certified coffees, guaranteeing customers that farmers have received fair wages and safe working conditions during the production process.

But Messenger Coffee doesn’t stop there. Upon arriving at our roastery in Santa Fe, New Mexico, our team of expert roasters carefully evaluate each batch of coffee with a sensory analysis course designed to balance flavor and consistency traits like sugar browning, acidity, body, and aftertaste, ensuring that each cup is an enjoyable one! Our commitment to quality control has earned us the prestigious Q-Coffee certification from the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA), further reinforcing our commitment to a great cup every time!

These commitments make Messenger Coffee truly unique amongst its peers. Every bag sold helps fund reinvestment projects that strengthen both communities & ecosystems in regions like Central America, Indonesia & East Africa—all while providing you with a delicious & ethically sourced cup of joe!


messenger coffee beans the fillmore cafe
messenger coffee kiryama hill at the fillmore cafe

Making Memories Over a Cup of Authentic, Delicious, and Ethical Messenger Coffee

Special occasions call for special coffees. And when you think of memorable experiences, a cup of Messenger Coffee is the best way to capture that moment and make it last forever.

At Messenger Coffee, no detail is overlooked when it comes to crafting an excellent cup of coffee. From sourcing 100% Direct & Strategic Sourcing Cooperatives (DSSC) coffee beans from around the world to our commitment to ethical practices like fair trade and sustainability, education, and reinvestment projects—we strive to ensure that every bean is top-notch in quality, taste, and ethnicity.

From single-origin coffees carefully roasted with our unique approach that balances flavor and consistency traits like sugar browning, acidity, body, and aftertaste; to espresso blends crafted with expertise by our experienced roasters—every cup is filled with care and precision.

We don’t just aim for authenticity through our ethically-sourced beans; we also value memories made over a moment shared with loved ones while enjoying that special cup of coffee on a special occasion. Whether it’s sharing a pot of sweet Colombian roast over dinner or sipping on espressos after brunch, each sip can help create lasting experiences full of warmth and joy!

We believe that making memories over a cup of authentically-sourced ethical Messenger Coffee means far more than just enjoying delicious specialty-grade beverages—it’s about investing in people and communities throughout the world through sustainable development projects like education and reinvestment projects that empower those in need.

So next time you plan on having family or friends together for an eventful day or night out—make sure you get yourself some Messenger Coffee at The Fillmore Café! Your taste buds will thank you for the deliciousness waiting within every precious bag – all while supporting those who grow it!


Enjoy messenger coffee at The fillmore cafe!